Mariia Baranovych

Rechtsanwältin / Advokatin, Partner
+41 61 202 91 85

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Schwerpunkte der Tätigkeitsgebiete

  • Life Sciences & Gesundheitswesen (einschliesslich Pharma, Medizinprodukte)
  • Lebensmittel & Getränke, FMCG
  • Einzelhandel (regulatorische Fragen, einschliesslich Produktsicherheit, Kennzeichnung, Schutz der Verbraucherrechte, Verpackung, Abfall, ökologische und soziale Governance - ESG)
  • Vertragsrecht, Internationaler Handel, EU-Recht
  • Vertrieb, Werbung / Verkaufsförderung / Marketing
  • Kartellrecht & Wettbewerbsrecht
  • Korruptionsbekämpfung und Geschäftsethik
  • Schutz personenbezogener Daten / DSGVO
  • Öffentliches Auftragswesen
  • Beziehungen zur öffentlichen Verwaltung


  • Rechtsanwältin und Partner bei AMATIN (seit 2022)
  • Senior Associate, Anwältin bei Arzinger Anwaltskanzlei, Kiew (2016 – 2022)
  • Associate, Anwältin bei Arzinger Anwaltskanzlei, Kiew (2012 – 2016)
  • Rechtsanwältin bei Legal Alliance Company, Kiew (2011 – 2012)
  • Rechtsanwältin bei Coface Ukraine Credit Management Services, Kiew (2010 – 2011)
  • Rechtsanwältin bei Consulting Group "UDK" Ltd., Kiew (2007 – 2009)
  • Praktikum bei Konnov & Sozanovsky, Kiew (2007)
  • Praktikum bei the Supreme Court of Ukraine, Kiew (2006)
Ukrainisch, Englisch, Russisch, Deutsch, Polnisch, Arabisch

Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

  • Anwaltspatent (2015)
  • Master, National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Kiew (2013)
  • Master, Master's Degree, Kiew International University, Institute of International Relations (2009)
  • Bachelor, Kiew International University, Institute of International Relations (2007)
  • The Eurojuris International: Austauschprogramm für junge Juristen, Geschäftsbesuch in Basel und Zürich (2011)
  • The Leavitt Institute: Teilnahme am Jury Trial Programm, Austausch mit Richtern, Staatsanwälten und Rechtsanwälten aus dem Bundesstaat Utah (the USA) (2007)
  • Cairo University Arabic Language Center: 1 Monat Studium in Ägypten, Zertifikat (2005)

Engagement / Mitgliedschaften

  • AIJA, International Association of Young Lawyers


Life Sciences & Gesundheitswesen

  • Cannabis & CBD. A Global Regulatory Trends Overview of the Regulations in the Medicinal, Nutritional and Recreational Markets: Ukraine / FLN Guide "Cannabis & CBD", Food Lawyers Network, May 2022
  • The Life Sciences Law Review: Ukraine / Law-Reviews, February 2022
  • The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guide: Ukraine Pharmaceutical Advertising / The Legal 500, 2021
  • Risk Mitigation Tools in Advertising of Medicinal Products: Recent Law Enforcement Practice / Liga Business, 2021
  • Online sales of medicines during the quarantine period: is it possible or not? / PharmaNet, 2020
  • Disclosure of Transfers of Value to Healthcare Professionals, Healthcare and Patient Organizations, Ukraine / Conférence Bleue. European Lawyers' Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Care Affairs, 2018
  • Access to Unlicensed Medicines. Ukraine / Conférence Bleue. European Lawyers' Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Care Affairs, 2017
  • Pricing and Reimbursement Questions. Ukraine / Conférence Bleue. European Lawyers' Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Care Affairs, 2017
  • Hospital Issue. Amending Prescription Rules: Fostering Competition on the Pharmaceutical Market, but Complicating Individual Treatment / Yuridicheskaya Praktika, 2016
  • Crimes without Punishment / Yuridicheskaya Praktika, 2012
  • Developments in the Field of Certification and Introduction of Technical Regulations on Medical Devices /, 2012
  • Legislative Innovations Regarding Clinical Trials in Ukraine /, 2011
  • Introducing Technical Regulations on Medical Devices /, 2011
  • Clinical Pharmacists Shall Be Allowed to Pharmacies / Mister Blister, 2011
  • Letter of the Law. Long-Service Pension: Only Employment Term Matters. Long-Service Retirement for Pharmacists / Mister Blister, 2011
  • Replacing Imported Medicinal Products with the Domestic Ones: General Trends on Pharmaceutical Market of Post-Soviet States / Pharmaceutical Courier, 2011
  • Business Optimization in Ukraine: Recommendations to Foreign Pharmaceutical Companies / Apteka., 2011
  • Import Substitution at the Pharmaceutical Market in Russia and Ukraine: Methods for Reaction of Foreign Companies / Apteka., 2011
  • Trends of the Ukrainian State Policy in the Field of Import Substitution at the Pharmaceutical Market /, 2011
  • Peculiarities of Taxation for Representative Offices of Foreign Companies, Including Pharmaceutical Ones / Apteka., 2011
  • Particularities of Determination of Costs of Pharmaceutical Companies for Marketing Purposes / Provisor, 2011
  • A Product Is Not Subject to Exchange / Pharma Facts, 2011

Lebensmittel & Getränke

  • Protection of EU Geographical Indications in Ukraine: EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and Other Available Tools / European Food and Feed Law Review, 2018
  • Harmonization of Ukrainian Food Safety Legislation with EU law / European Food and Feed Law Review, 2017
  • New Rules of State Control over Food and Feed in Ukraine: Perspectives for Business / European Food and Feed Law Review, 2017
  • Waste Management as Part of Ukraine's Commitments to Implement the pro-European Environmental Policy / Analytical Publication "Yurist i Zakon", 2014
  • Waste Management. Packaging Waste Issue: How to Establish Efficient System / FOOD Technologies & Equipment, 2014
  • Food Industry Regulation / Mir Productov, 2015
  • Design and Layout of Packaging: How to Avoid Becoming a Violator / Upakovka, 2015
  • Requirements for Food Products Packaging (European approach and expectations in Ukraine) / Upakovka, 2015
  • Labelling of Food Products Packaging (Topical Issues) / Upakovka, 2015
  • Vinegar Labelling in Ukraine and the EU: Risk of Misleading Customers / Mir Produktov, 2012
  • Retail under attention of the Antimonopoly Committee: how to stay in a safe area? /, 2014
  • To Be or Not To Be? GMOs in Food: What to Expect in the New Year? / FOODUA Products of Ukraine, 2013
  • Food Labelling as an Object of Attention of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine: How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Financial Sanctions / Product and Technology Academy, 2013
  • Packaging and Packaging Waste / Upakovka, 2014
  • Reducing the cost of children's products for consumers: to be or not to be? / Mir Productov, 2015
  • "Food Law & Policies in Ukraine" / On-line lecture to the students of the University of Parma (Italy) within the course on International Food Law & Policies, 27 May 2022


  • Anti-Corruption enforcement in high-risk jurisdictions: FCPA investigations versus local cases – Ukraine’s experience / International Bar Association Anti-Corruption Committee Update, 2017
  • How to properly dismiss an employee for corruption? /, 2017
  • Corporate Internal Anti-Corruption Investigations in Ukraine / Ukrainian Law Firms 2016. A Handbook for Foreign Client, 2016
  • Trends in Anti-Corruption Regulation / The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law, 2015

Kartellrecht & Wettbewerb

  • Misleading: How Naive is the Consumer According to the Antimonopoly Committee? /, 2015
  • Retail under attention of the Antimonopoly Committee: how to stay in a safe area? /, 2014
  • Food Labelling as an Object of Attention of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine: How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Financial Sanctions / Product and Technology Academy, 2013
  • Vinegar Labelling in Ukraine and the EU: Risk of Misleading Customers / Mir Produktov, 2012
  • Industry Code of Conduct as Mechanism of Self-Regulation and Means of Preventing Unfair Competition / Competition. Bulletin of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, 2014
  • The Industry Code of Conduct / Konkurentsia i Pravo, 2014
  • Court Practice of Considering Disputes between Economic Entities and the AMCU / Yuridicheskaya Praktika, 2012
  • Professional and Impartial Law Enforcement Practice can Ensure Effective Combination of Flexible Protection against Unfair Competi-tion and the Legal Certainty Principle, Yuridicheskaya Praktika, 2015
  • Exclusive distribution: new rules, risks and opportunities, 2022


  • Tobacco Products and E-Cigarettes in 2022: new requirements and restrictions in the field of sales, advertising and labelling / All Retail, March 2022
  • Legal Issues of Retailers in Crimea / AllRetail, 2014

Internationaler Handel

  • Real prospects in the light of the EU - Ukraine Association Agreement / Molochnaya Industriya, 2015
  • Free Economic Zone "Crimea" / Analytical Publication "Lawyer and Law", 2014
  • Free Trade with EU: Myth and Reality / Journal "Product and technology academy", 2014
  • Doing business in foreign countries: issues that deserve your attention, 2022

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